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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Pre-paid Legal Benefits

The Pre-Paid Legal membership helps people. We see it every day. Read below to see how having and using the PPL membership made a difference in our members' lives.

Member wanted to obtain an intra-district school transfer for her child to a school that would meet the child's special skills and needs. The school district refused. The provider attorney reviewed all school policies relating to transfers and made a telephone call to the district office to discuss the matter. As a result of the call, the member's child was allowed to transfer to the school requested by the member at the beginning of the following semester.

Member lost his job due to downsizing and the employer failed to pay member wages previously earned. Upon receipt of a letter to the employer, the member was fully compensated for all back wages.

Member worked for a company that had to lay off several of its divisions. Member was unsuccessful in negotiating a severance package with the company. The member turned to the provider firm for assistance. The provider attorney had multiple discussions with member setting forth the reasons, grounds and basis for member to be entitled to severance. The member went back to the company and, using the info provided by the provider attorney, was able to negotiate a substantial severance package.

Member placed money in an escrow account pending the purchase of property. Through no fault of member, the deal fell through. The escrow company failed to return the money to member. The provider attorney wrote a letter to the escrow company demanding the immediate return of the money. Upon receipt of the letter, the company sent a check to member for the full amount deposited by member.

Member hired a recording studio to record his songs. The recordings were made but the company only delivered the final mixed recordings not the masters as they were obligated to do. The studio then refused to communicate with member any further. The member consulted with the provider firm who wrote a demand letter to the studio requesting they immediately deliver the masters to member. Within five days of receipt of the letter by the studio member received his master recordings.

Member was the victim of bank fraud wherein over $5,000 was improperly removed from his bank account. Member filed a fraud claim with the bank but the bank denied the claim. The provider firm reviewed all relevant documents and information and wrote a demand letter to the bank. Upon receipt of the letter, the bank reimbursed member for all lost funds, with an apology.

Member's employment was terminated without the notice required by the employment contract. As a result, member lost a full month's pay. The provider attorney sent a letter to the employer demanding full compliance with the notice requirements and full pay to the member. Member was immediately sent a check for an additional 30 days pay.

Member's landlord improperly obtained a default judgment against member in an unlawful detainer action. The provider firm reviewed the full court file and the lease then had a discussion with the landlord. As a result of the discussion, the judgment was set aside and when member decided to move the landlord paid a portion of member's moving expenses.

Member inherited several cemetery plots but the memorial park failed to provide the proper ownership paperwork until the provider attorney wrote a letter to the park. The memorial park then provided all necessary paperwork to the member.

The county began child dependency hearings against the member. Member pleaded with them that it was a case of mistaken identity. The provider firm then became involved. After a letter and telephone call, the provider attorney was able to convince the county counsel that it was in fact a case of mistaken identity and all proceedings were rightfully dropped against the member.

Dr Martha E Gibson
Pre-Paid Legal Inc, NYSE:PPD
562 606-9878
One memberships at a time

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