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Thursday, February 17, 2011

How could firefighters let a home burn?

by David Givot

It must be a bad dream where a fire apparatus with trained personnel and ready equipment sits idle while a man's home burns to the ground

To me, EMS is bigger than just people who need to go to the hospital. EMS represents professionals doing for people in need what others cannot or will not do. To me, "EMS" means being there regardless; regardless of race, religion, lifestyle, or socio-economic status; regardless of whether you ever pay for the service or even say "thank you."

To me, EMS is not limited to medical, but includes everyone who "runs to" when everyone else "runs away." When I think of "EMS," I consider police and fire departments as well as ambulance and rescue squads because all of these endeavors are less about what they do and more about why they do it.

Based on my particular view of "EMS people," I was stunned to see news reports of a fire department in South Fulton, Tennessee whose members watched a man's home burn to the ground because he had not paid all of his $75 annual subscription for fire protection.

Read the rest of this horrible story: HERE

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