Cindy owns CS Business Management in Redondo Beach. Sitting down for a tax session with her and hearing her talk about past entertainment clients is well worth it. And besides it takes tax wimps like me something fun to get my mind off that nasty word TAXES. Cindy has worked with Harrison Ford (yes, he's super cute) and Lana Turner (what a classy movie star) and Michael Jackson (Wow!!).
After the FUN talk about entertainment moguls and movie stars, we got down to business. Cindy kept smiling. No matter what I mentioned -- like I'm not sure I have receipts, or I don't know how to... or I think we double paid these taxes --- she just kept smiling.
And the best part -- is she looked at my tax return from 2009 and said, "Wow!!! There's a bunch more deductions that we could claim. You might get more money back." That was it -- I was addicted.
So, it is without hesitation that I recommend you go check out BS Business Management and Cindy Szerlip. She is an absolute delight. She loves taxes. And you might even get a glimpse into the lives of the rich and famous.
FYI -- tax season is approaching. Call her -- you won't be sorry. 310-372-5767. And who knows your smile just might be as wide and bright as Cindy's.
Cindy is the best